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    On the Semantics of Indefinite and Disapprobatory Sense of "shui(谁)" in Chinese
    作 者:袁毓林 刘彬
    作者简介:袁毓林(1962-),男,江苏昆山人,博士,北京大学中文系“长江学者”特聘教授,研究方向为理论语言学和汉语语言学,特别是句法学、语义学、语用学,也涉及计算语言学和中文信息处理等应用性领域的问题,北京大学中国语言学研究中心,北京大学计算语言学教育部重点实验室(北京 100871),江苏高校语言能力协同创新中心(江苏 徐州 221009);刘彬(1989-),男,江西吉安人,北京大学中文系博士生,研究方向和兴趣为句法学、语义学、语用学及心理语言学等。
    This paper focuses on the semantic mechanism for the emergence of the indefinite sense and disapprobatory sense(i.e.,negative meaning)in the Chinese interrogative pronoun "shui"(谁).The study attempts to testify that,because of the indeterminate declarative mood,its meaning of presupposition "some individual does exist" is retained though its interrogative meaning is transformed into an non-specific reference.As a result,the non-specific-referential shui has come to means "an individual that definitely does not exist".Based on the social-psychological principle of "doubting yes and believing no",however,if the shui-sentence is used as rhetorical question(i.e.,asking a question in reply)for doubting and disputing or refuting and disapproving,then either its interrogative meaning or the presupposed meaning is absent.In this case,shui has a negative meaning showing,"an individual that definitely does not exist".Additionally,the paper also explores,particular sentence patterns such as "shui rang wo xiao ne"(谁让我小呢)and holds that the mechanism of their semantic interpretation is in congruence with that of the general rhetorical questions introduced by shui.
    关 键 词:疑问代词“谁”/询问意义/虚指意义/否定意义/疑有信无/语义解释interrogative pronoun "shui"/interrogative meaning/indefinite sense/disapprobatory sense/doubting yes and believing no/semantic interpretation
    1 引言:“谁”的多种意义和用法
    从上面的例子可以看出,疑问代词“谁”可以表示疑问、虚指、任指和否定等多种意义。其中,例(l)a是“谁”的基本用法,其意义为问人,可以是一个人,也可以不止一个人。例(1)b中的“谁”读轻声(unstressed or in neutral tone),表示虚指意义,即不知道的人或无须说出姓名和说不出姓名的人。例(l)c中的“谁”表示任指意义,所以例(1)c的意义相当于“这件事所有人都不知道”。例(l)d是反问句(rhetorical question),其中的“谁”带全重音(with full stress and tone),表示否定意义(即没有一个人),所以例(1)d的意义为“没有一个人不说他好”(相当于“所有人都说他好”)。②除此之外,“谁”还以表示承指等非疑问意义(如“谁愿意去谁去”)。
    限于篇幅,本文主要着眼于“谁”的否定和虚指用法,③讨论以下几个问题:1)“谁”的虚指意义是怎样形成的?2)“谁”类反问句的否定意义是从哪儿来的?3)“谁”的否定意义和虚指意义之间有什么关系?它们跟“谁”的疑问意义之间有什么关系?4)“谁让我小呢?”之类特殊句式表示什么意义?这种句式意义是怎样形成的? (责任编辑:admin)