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    摘    要: 
    关 键 词:
    丁士仁(1966—) ,兰州大学伊斯兰文化研究所所长,兰州大学哲学社会学院教授,兰州大学宗教文化研究中心副主任,主要研究方向为宗教学、伊斯兰文、穆斯林哲学;  
    马斌(1991—) ,兰州大学哲学社会学院2013 级外国哲学专业硕士研究生。 
    国家社科基金西部项目“西北少数民族伊斯兰文献的挖掘与研究”(项目编号:13XMZ034) 。 
    The Historical Evolution of Huihui Script in China 
    DING Shi-ren,MA Bin 
    “Huihui script”is the character that has been used by Hui people and their ancestors during the historical development.With the transformation of the language and identity of Hui people,the connotation of“Huihui script”also changed.“Huihui script”,developing from Arabic script in Tang and Song dynasty to the Persian in Mongol - Yuan period and then from a period of lingua franca to the final“Xiao Jing”script,has witnessed the changes of Hui people from“foreigners”to the“one part”and then to the local minority. With the localization of Hui nationality,“Xiao Jing”has become the final form of“Huihui script”. “Xiao Jing”,based on Arabic and Persian letters,is an independent and holistic writing system created by Hui nationality in China to spell Chinese. It belongs to Chinese system and is the crystallization of cultural innovation through the combination with Chinese cultural tradition and the trans-formation of language and words. Although its using scope is shrinking,it is still a living language,a rich and a development for Chinese language and culture. As a non - material cultural heritage of ethnic minorities,it should be protected and excavated. 
    Huihui script; Xiao Jing; Arabic; Persian; lingua franca
