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    The New Research Development of the Genetic Relationship of the Austroasiatic Languages
    作 者:李艳
    作者简介:李艳,女,博士,陕西师范大学外国语学院教授,研究兴趣:历史语言学、音系学,代表作:“南岛语言谱系分类研究”和“述吐火罗语在证明汉语-印欧语关系中的作用”,E-mail:victoria1231i@aliyun.com(西安 710062)。
    The research history of the Austroasiatic languages is not long,but it's full of argument.It has been one and a half century since Mason's exploration.The early research was mainly based on lexical comparison,and the linguistic research and the field investigation included most of the Austroasistic languages.Modem research was centered around Schmidt.He published a series of articles studying the Southeast Asian languages,and discussing the close relationship among Mon-Khmer,Munda and Nicobarese.In this period there appeared many researchers and great achievements were made.Current researchers are mainly Diffloth and Sidwell.Now the research methods are constantly updating,language classification are more and more diverse.The position of the homeland of Austroasiatic languages is still undetermined and controversial.
    关 键 词:南亚语言/同源关系/孟-高棉语/南亚语故乡Austroasiatic languages/genetic relationship/Mon-Khmer/position of the Austroasiatic languages
    南亚语系可能是东南亚和印度东部最“古老”的语系,大约包括160种语言,并有相当数量的方言,它们分布于中国广西、云南,以及越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚和印度等地,使用人数大概有6673万。其中孟语和高棉语的文字最古老,字母形状及书写原则来自印度文字。尚存的最古老的铭文、碑文使用的是6世纪的古孟语文字,以及7世纪前后的古高棉语文字。越南语文字只在8世纪以前使用,20世纪初改用拉丁文字,外加一些符号和调号。南亚语的有些语言只有老年人在使用,现正慢慢消亡;然而,大语种的使用人数在逐渐增加。南亚语作为东南亚所有语言的底层结构,非常重要。但是南亚语言调查研究的历史较短,截至目前,由于缺乏足够资料,南亚语言的分类相当混乱。 (责任编辑:admin)