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    程琪龙,上海大学文学院博士生导师。目前主要研究方向: 认知功能语法、认知语言学、神经认知语言学。 
    The Relations Between Verbs and Their Constructions: On Lexical-Constructional Grammar 
    CHENG Qilong CHENG Qianwen 
    Lexical-constructional grammar focuses its study on the relations between verb classes and their alternations. The grammar pays more attention to the role of experiential knowledge. Researchers who use the grammar advocate the verb polysemy approach to compensate for the defective representation of argument structure construction grammar. Although the formal representation of lexical-constructional grammar is more accurate, its formalism appears to be cumbersome. This present paper attempts to describe, through a contrastive study with the projectionist model and argument structure constructional model, the theoretical mechanism of lexical-constructional grammar in treating the relations between verb classes and their alternations and to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the theory. 
    Key words: 
    lexical-constructional grammar; construction grammar; semantic frame; Cognitive Linguistics    (责任编辑:admin)