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    重音  音步  声调-重音连接律  韵母-重音对应律  信息-重音对应律 
    端木三,男,博士,美国密歇根大学语言学系教授,研究兴趣:语言的共性(特别是音系方面的共性),代表作:The Phonology of Standard Chinese(《汉语的音系》)和Syllable Structure(《音节结构》,E-mail:duanmu@umich.edu。 
    Stress Theory and Stress Phenomena in Chinese 
    DUANMU San 
    This paper reviews the origins, development, and current state of stress theory. It then discusses stress phenomena in Chinese, including a new analysis of stress patterns in disyllabic words. Finally, it discusses implications of the Chinese findings for stress theory. The study shows that there is a rich body of stress effects in Chinese, and the patterns are often similar to those in English, especially with regard to cyclic rules, the Tone-Stress Principle, foot structure, the Weight-Stress Principle, and the Information-Stress Principle. Such results not only can help improve stress theory but show that the difference among languages in less than previously thought, and that there are more common properties shared by all languages. 
    stress; foot; tone-stress principle; weight-stress principle; information-stress principle. 
