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    Advances in Neuroimaging Studies on the Universal versus Writing-specific Brain Networks for Chinese Processing
    作 者:李辉 王晶颖
    作者简介:李辉,男,博士,香港大学教育学院副教授,研究兴趣:幼儿心理学、幼儿教育学、心理语言学,代表作:Teaching Chinese Literacy in the Early Years:Psychology,Pedagogy,and Practice,E-mail:huili@hku.hk。
    Perfetti,et al.(1992)proposed that there was universal phonological principle(UPP)underlying reading across languages.Since then,it has been a research issue whether the brain networks of reading vary across languages and cultures.Perfetti,et al.(2013)suggestes that there should be a universal brain network across writing systems:orthography initiated reading and phonology is activated universally by orthographic inputs afterwards.Language comprehension is the outcome of all kinds of reading.However,the latest findings in behavioral and neuroimaging studies of adults and children suggest that Chinese and alphabetic writing makes different demands on reading and learning to read.Accordingly,it is hypothesized that learning to read would have to accommodate the demands of a writing system(i.e.,Chinese)through the specialization of brain networks that support its reading.In particular,this specialization will increase with the development of reading competency which leads to the differences in brain networks for alphabetic and Chinese reading.In this paper,we explore the universal and writing-system specific aspects of reading and writing,with an aim to understand how research on Chinese reading informs the "universal reading science".First,we review the latest advances in neuroimaging study on the brain systems of Chinese reading focusing on the three fundamental questions:(1)which brain area is the most critical one and specific for Chinese reading compared to alphabetic re
    关 键 词:汉字加工/左侧额中回脑区/通用机制/特异性机制Chinese reading and writing/LMFG/universal brain networks/writing-specific brain networks
