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    The Causative Meaning of Chinese Resultative Constructions and Disyllabification of Unmarked Causative Usage
    作 者:石村广
    Based on historical studies,this paper discusses the source of the causative meaning of the typical Chinese resultative construction,which has the "Verb-Resultative Complement-Object" word order(VRO),and attempts to provide an answer to the issue of the succession of Old and Contemporary Chinese.As Wang(1989)pointed out,the development of VR is correlated with the decline of the unmarked causative usage(UCU)in Old Chinese to describe a causative event by means of intransitive verbs(or adjectives)temporally taking an object.However,there are no accounts of why Chinese resultative constructions can express the causative meaning.Many studies apply the notion of UCU in Old Chinese to the explanation of the causative meaning of the VR construction,but give no empirical evidence.The "R+O" is ungrammaticalin Contemporary Chinese.In this regard,the previous assumption that R is causativized(or ergativized)is open to discussion.This paper proposes a new concept,namely the disyllabification of UCU Whether monosyllabic or disyllabic(occasionally trisyllabic),the causative meaning of UCU emanates from the word order of the "verb-object" construction.For example,*Wo ran toufa heile(its intended meaning is ′I tint my hair black)is not acceptable in Chinese.The word order toufa hei(le)′hair(became)black′ describing the resulting event,ought to be inverted to form the grammatical sentence Wo ran-hei le toufa′I tint my hair black′.The causative meaning is derived from the word order "VR+O"
    关 键 词:动结式/致使义/语序/使动用法/双音化Chinese resultative construction/causative meaning/word order/unmarked causative usage(UCU)/disyllabification
    动结式(以下略记为VRO)是由古代使动用法发展而来的。古代使动用法的减少和消亡跟动结式的产生和发展有很密切的关系,这已经得到学术界的公认。但是,使动用法的“消亡”,给我们研究动结式带来了很大的障碍,即它让我们再也无法说明它的致使意义的所在了。这是至今为止汉语语法学界尚未解决的一个大问题。针对这个问题,本文在笔者一系列研究的基础上主张:使动用法并不是消失了,而是经过“双音化”后变成了动结式。无论是单音节还是双音节,使动用法都是利用“动+宾”这一语序来表示致使意义的。确切地说,历史上消失的只是单音节的使动用法。其演变过程为:R→VR。这个历时过程直接反映在现代汉语的谓词系统,即R(不及物)-VR(及物)的对立上。从本质上说,使动用法属于句法范畴。但是,很多学者把它和词汇上的概念混为一谈,看做“使动词”(或致动词),这是不可取的。本文的目的不是挖掘新的语言现象,而是根据以往的研究成果揭示古代使动用法和动结式之间的内在联系,从语言类型学的角度找出一条理解复杂语法现象的简单规律,对汉语语法的历时演变做出一种新的解释。 (责任编辑:admin)