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    专家和外行在判断专科词典和外部资源中的释义的时候所持的方法和标准不同。以deemed cost为例,《会计词典》将术语deemed cost定义为:
    Deemed cost is an amount used instead of cost or depreciated cost at a specific date.Any following amortisation or depreciation is made on the assumption that the enterprise initially recognised the asset or liability at a cost equal to the deemed cost.
    “Deemed cost” is a surrogate for cost at a given date.For example if a building is purchased at $100000 this is cost and also the deemed cost at that given date...
    Kilgarriff(2012:29)说:“我们需要利用语料库获取事实求证。”下文我们列举三位经济学家的意见。其中两位经济学家是著名的《牛津经济学词典》的作者。在最近的一篇文章中,三位经济学家Hashimzade,Myles & Myles(2014)谈论了网络释义的优劣和相关性。下面是搜索到的对corner solution的释义:
    A corner solution is a special solution to an agent’s maximization problem in which the quantity of one of the arguments in the maximized function is zero.The more usual solution will lie in the non-zero interior at the point of tangency between the objective function and the constraint...
    这三位经济学家认为在网络上获得的corner solution的释义和第二版《牛津经济学词典》中的释义相似:
    A solution to a system of equations where some variables are zero...
    但是,Hashimzade,Myles & Myles(2014:19)认为这两个定义都不是corner solution的一般定义,“这两个关于corner solution的释义都不正确。在适当的语境下,这两个释义或许正确。语境缺失的话,释义就不正确了,还有误导性”。三位经济学家给出了以下释义,应用在《牛津经济学词典》第三版和第四版中。
    corner solution In the context of a constrained optimization problem this is a solution that does not change in at least one direction in response to any arbitrarily small perturbation to the gradient of the objective function at the optimum.
    Hashimzade,Myles & Myles(2014)其实对上述释义也不太满意,但是认为这条释义从经济学理论的角度来说优于上面讨论的其他两个释义。很明显,只有该领域(会计学)的专家可以根据目标用户的需求特点决定这类释义正确与否,充分与否。那种“使用语料库获取事实”的方法根本无法通用,特别是在专科词典学中。 (责任编辑:admin)