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http://www.newdu.com 2017-10-17 《外国文学研究》2013年 于雷 参加讨论

    ①据笔者的调查,中国期刊网上至今尚无专门探讨《日志》的学术文章;而在EBSCOhost及JSTOR等国外几个重要学术数据库里,仅有三篇相关学术论文(据笔者调查),而且只是从“文学戏仿”、“情节来源”等角度加以探讨,并未真正触及小说的“印第安问题”,更没有对小说文本的残缺现象进行文学伦理学意义上的评判。See Teunissen and Hinz 317-38; H. Arlin Turner, "A Note on Poe's Julius Rodman,"Studies in English 10(1930):147-51; Polly Pearl Crawford,"Lewis and Clark's 'Expedition' as a Source for Poe's 'Journal of Julius Rodman', "Studies in English 12(1932):158-70.
    ②See Teunissen and Hinz 317-38.
    ③See Edgar Allan Poe,The Complete Edgar Allan Poe Tales(New York: Avenel Books,1981).文中相关引文均出自该书,以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ⑤据美国学者的阐释,小说里的塞琉西国王安帝奥克斯身披“骆驼豹”(亦即长颈鹿)之皮毛,如此便包含了人、骆驼、豹和长颈鹿这四种“动物”;笔者据此将其译为“人形骆驼豹”,一来符合各部分词根的内涵,二来符合原题的造词结构。See Stuart Levine and Susan Levine, eds., The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe(Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merill Company, Inc., 1976)449.
    ⑥坡曾创作短篇小说“‘乌木风’文章的创作方法”(“How to Write a Blackwood Article”)以戏谑的口吻嘲讽时下期刊文章的浮夸作风(比如热衷于记录神秘事件或是沉迷于探讨死亡之际的内心感受等)。笔者在此之所以将原文中的人名“布莱克伍德”译为“乌木”,一来表述方便,二来符合史实:《乌木月刊》全称为《布莱克伍德的爱丁堡杂志》(Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine),威廉·布莱克伍德系该杂志的创办人且担任过主编,当时文人常籍其姓名之双关意而用“乌木”(“ebony”)予以戏称。See Stuart Levine and Susan Levine, eds.,The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe(Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.,1976)292.
    ⑦See Mary Beth Norton et al., A People and a Nation: A History of the United States(New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999)227-31.
    ⑧《日志》于1840年1月起在威廉·伯顿(William Burton)创办的《君子杂志》(The Gentleman's Magazine)上发表,而它的刊登广告实际上早在1839年11月和12月便分别出现在《亚历山大信使周刊》(Alexander's Weekly Messenger)以及《君子杂志》的封底上。See Dwight Thomas and David K. Jackson, The Poe Log: A Documentary Life of Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849(Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1987)285.正因为如此,1981年纽约“阿维奈尔”公司(Avenel Books)出版的《爱伦·坡小说全集》将《日志》的写作时间确定在了1839年。See Edgar Allan Poe,The Complete Edgar Allan Poe Tales(New York: Avenel Books, 1981)186.
    ⑨实际上,《日志》当中暗示的土著人之间的矛盾并非某些部落的先天性“凶残”所致,而是由于白人的西进拓殖运动导致印第安各分支失去了他们原先的广阔家园,被迫生活在资源相对贫乏的“印第安领地”;他们为争夺生活资料而引发的“内部冲突”恰恰是白人拓殖行为所造成的。See Mary Beth Norton et al.,A People and a Nation: A History of the United States(New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999)230.但西部游记文学却往往忽视这一本质,将所谓的“凶残”视为“原因”,而不是将其当作“结果”。
    [1]Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1961.
    [2]Frank, Frederick, and Anthony Magistrale. The Poe Encyclopedia. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997.
    [3]Goddu, Teresa A. Gothic America: Narrative, History,and Nation. New York: Columbia UP, 1997.
    [4]Hough, Robert L., ed. Literary Criticism of Edgar Allan Poe. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1965.
    [5]Kennedy, J. Gerald, and Liliane Weissberg, eds. Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.
    Nie Zhenzhao. "Ethical Literary Criticism: Its Basic Theory and Terms." Foreign Literature Studies 1(2010): 12-22.
    [7]Poe, Edgar Allan. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. James A. Harrison. New York: AMS Press Inc., 1965.
    [8]Quinn, A. H. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1942.
    [9]Rowe, John Carlos. "Edgar Allan Poe's Imperial Fantasy and the American Frontier." Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race. Ed. J. Gerald Kennedy and Liliane Weissberg. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. 75-105.
    [10]Teunissen, John J., and Evelyn J. Hinz. "Poe's Journal of Julius Rodman as Parody." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 3(1972): 317-38.
    [11]Whalen, Terence. "Average Racism: Poe, Slavery, and the Wages of Literary Nationalism." Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race. Ed. J. Gerald Kennedy and Liliane Weissberg. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. 3-40. (责任编辑:admin)