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    摘    要: 
    关 键 词: 
    词典编纂 规定主义 描写主义 指导性规范 
    本文提供的资料主要根据下列三种参考书:1.David Crystal ed.1997 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language,2nd edition,Cambridge University Press.2.Henri Béjoint 1994 Modern Lexicography:An Introduction,Oxford University Press.3.Albert C.Baugh and Thomas Cable 1993 A History of the English Language,4th edition,Routledge.其他参考材料随文附列。 
    Looking back on the history of lexicography since 17th century,we have to admit a fact that prescriptivism has become a relatively outmoded notion.The general trend of development in lexicography is replacing prescriptivism with descriptivism and replacing obligatory normalization with guiding normalization rather than the opposite.
    lexicography; prescriptivism; descriptivism; guiding nomalization 
