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郭 熙
(南京大学中文系 南京 210093)
    [关键词] 理论语法 教学语法 衔接
    [提 要] 过去的几十年中,理论语法和教学语法都得到了长足的发展,但是理论语法和教学语法的衔接问题一直解决得不理想。从第二语言教学的角度来看,不仅要区别理论语法和教学语法,还要区别第一语言教学语法和第二语言教学语法,区别供教师用的语法和供学生用的语法等等。理论语法学家应该考虑到语言教师和语言学习者的需求展开课题研究,语言教师应该注意及时从理论语法著作中吸取新的研究成果。
On the Intersection of Theoretical and Pedagogical Grammar:
The Case of L2 Chinese
Guo Xi
(Chinese Department, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093)
    Key words: Theoretical Grammar Pedagogical Grammar Intersection
    Abstract: In the past many years, the studies on boththeoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar have maderapid progress, yet there was not much successachieved in the intersection of the two. In the caseof L2 teaching, not only should we make differencebetween the theoretical grammar and the pedagogicalgrammar, but it is also necessary to differentiate thepedagogical grammar of L1 teaching from that of L2teaching, and the grammar for teachers from that forstudents. The theoretical grammar researchers should take the needs of language teachers and learners intoconsideration, and on the other hand, the teachers should also get informed about the recent studies on theoretical grammar.
