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    On the Simplification of Chinese Characters in Taiwan: A Perspective of Corpus Linguistics 
    WANG Boli, SHI Xiaodong, CHEN Yidong, REN Wenyao, YAN Siyao 
    Corpus linguistics methods were applied to prove that there is simplification phenomenon  of Chinese characters in Taiwan. Firstly, a Taiwan Chinese corpus was built up with a large number  of  texts  from  media, government website and blog. Secondly, with statistics from corpus, it was proved that civilians in Taiwan prefer to use those popular Chinese characters with fewer strokes, which implies a simplification phenomenon. Lastly, the authors analyzed several influential factors of the simplification of Chinese characters in Taiwan, including simplified Chinese from the mainland, Chinese character encoding and Chinese IME. 
    Key words:  
    corpus linguistics; Taiwan; Chinese characters; simplification of Chinese characters; popular Chinese characters 
       (本文刊于《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》2015年第51卷第2期P.249-254) (责任编辑:admin)