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http://www.newdu.com 2018-05-23 《中国比较文学》 谭渊 参加讨论

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    [---.Collected Works of Wang Guowei(wang guo wei wen ji).vol.III Eds.Yao Ganming and Wang Yan.Beijing:China Culture and History Press,1997b.]
    [Wei,Maoping.Study of History of Literary Translation.from German to Chinese(de yu wen xue han yi shi kao bian).Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.]
    [Xiao,Lang."Wang Guowei and Introduction of Western Pedagogical Theory"(wang guo wei yu xi fang jiao yu xue li hin de dao ru).Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 6(2000):41-49.]
    [Yang,Wuneng.Approach to Goethe.Shanghai:Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press,2012.]
    [Zhao,Bizhen,trans,and ed.Biography of Six Great German Writers(de yi zhi wen hao liu da jia lie zhuan).Shanghai:Zuoxin Press,1903.]
