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    For to have a territory is to
    have something great. He who
    has something great must not
    regard the material things as
    material things. Only by not
    regarding material things as
    material things can one be the
    lord of things.
    ...and still using the most polished language of thou and thee and wherefore and is it not so?
    “者也之乎”四字为文言虚词,本就很难找到对应的英文表达,就算找到也会使句子冗长拗口,且外国读者也会因文化差异而不知所云。林氏译文中所用四词显然不与原文对应,但却等效,译者通过使用旧体英语延续了原文的文言文语体风格,外国读者也可领会到原文透出的精气神。 (责任编辑:admin)