http://www.newdu.com 2025/01/08 01:01:49 《外国语》2007年第3期 徐盛桓 参加讨论
摘 要: 本文试图发展一种基于心理模型的语用推理研究范式,一方面继承当代语用学关于语言运用的基本立场,另一方面又有别于过去对含意推导研究以“原则”为取向的范式。本文的研究参照认知心理学关于人认知能力的研究成果,采取心理实在论的立场,将心理建模作为推理的基本形式,将语用推理过程看作是在下向因果关系作用下局域话语之间的相互影响进展为话语的整体性解释这样的过程。根据语用推理同日常话语的理解并没有本质区别这一“认知连续统”的观点,有望这一基于模型的语用推理假说也能为语言理解问题研究提供一个普遍成立的工作假说,即为语言理解活动的认知机制提供一种可能的解释。 关 键 词: 心理模型 语用推理 常规关系 作者简介: 徐盛桓,河南大学外语学院教授、博士生导师。主要研究兴趣为认知语言学、语用学、语义学,专著有《语用问题研究》《会话含义理论的新发展》,发表期刊论文100多篇。 (本文刊于《外国语》2007年第3期P.2-9) Model-based Pragmatic Reasoning: An outline XU Shenghuan Abstract: The present study attempts a paradigm of model-based pragmatic reasoning, which is in line with the basic view points of daily language use in pragmatics on the one hand, and is different from the principle-approach paradigm on the other. The study, taking into consideration the achievements in the researches of human cognitive faculties done by cognitive psychology, adopts a stand point of psychological reality and argues that pragmatic reasoning is a process in which the development of the interactions of utterances at local levels into the interpretation of the whole-piece utterance caused by downward causation. In view of the hypothesis of cognitive continuum, the findings and conclusions of the study would also provide a working hypothesis for the study of daily language use. Keywords: mental models; pragmatic reasoning; stereotypical relation (责任编辑:admin) |
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