曹雪芹在《红楼梦》开篇第一回就说:“我虽不学无文,又何妨用假语村言,敷演出来,亦可使闺阁昭传,复可破一时之闷,醒同人之目,不亦宜乎?”所谓用“村言”来编制自己的故事,就是在小说中大量使用通俗的俚语野言,即俗语。 俗语包括谣谚、古话、格言、歇后语等。最大的特点就是通俗性和普遍流传性,而这正是一些封建士大夫所瞧不起的。其实,俗语不俗。鲁迅先生在《门外文谈》中说:“方言土语里,很有些意味深长的话,我们那里叫‘炼话’,用起来是很有意思的,恰如文言的用古典,听着也觉得趣味津津。” 《红楼梦》中用俗语来刻画人物,就是用最经济最概括的笔墨,恰到好处地用上一两句俗语,把一个个栩栩如生、有血有肉的人物勾勒出来,他们的喜怒哀乐、希望与渴求就活灵活现地展现在读者面前。比如,刘姥姥、王熙凤、尤三姐等人物的塑造就离不开生动鲜明的俗语。 在小说第65回,老实的尤二姐不知凤姐的厉害,向兴儿询问,兴儿的那几句俗语一下子把王凤姐的虚伪、阴损、势利、贪婪、惯耍两面派的性格特点都活画出来,真是一语破的,入木三分。 “奶奶千万别去!我告诉奶奶,一辈子不见他才好呢。‘嘴甜心苦,两面三刀。’,‘上头笑着,脚底下就使绊子。’,‘明是一盆火,暗是一把刀。’,他都占全了。” (杨、戴译本)On no account do that, madam. Take my word for it; it will be best for you never to meet her all your life. She’ll give you sweet talk when there’s hatred in her heart, she’s so double-faced and tricky. All the time she’s smiling she tries to trip you up, making a show of great warmth while she stabs you in the back. That is the way she is. 再如,第6回里刘姥姥的一番话:“嗳,我也是知道艰难的。但俗语说的:‘瘦死的骆驼比马大’,凭他怎样,你老拔根寒毛比我们的腰还粗呢!” (霍克斯译本)“We knew you had your troubles,” she said, “but as the saying goes, ‘A starved camel is bigger than a fat horse.’ Say what you like, a hair plucked from your arm is thicker than a man’s waist to folks like us!” 《红楼梦》中也用俗语来安排和展开全书的情节,引导和预示故事的发展,无疑是增加了作品的广度和深度。比如:第13回里秦氏托梦凤姐,连用了好几个俗语:“月满则亏,水满则溢”(The moon waxes only to wane, water brims only to overflow),“登高必跌重”(The higher the climb, the harder the fall),“树倒猢狲散”(When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter)等,就是为全书情节的走向埋下了伏笔。 从翻译的角度考虑,两种译本在俗语的处理上表现出一些特点。比如,基本都是以直译为主。为什么呢?俗语不像诗词曲赋,总的来说还是通俗易懂的,即使涉及一定的文化场景,在上下文的帮助下,译文读者也不会觉得很难理解。另外,文贵曲而忌直。译文倘若把意趣盎然的俗语都意译成了平白无华的大白话,岂不是对原作的语言特色的背叛吗?! 在直译中,有时两种译文表达方式完全一致,有可能是巧合,也有可能是译者利用英语中现成的俗语套译的结果。例如: 1. 眼不见心不烦 (第29回) What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve. 2. 金子终得金子换 (第46回) True gold will find its price. 3. 与人方便,自己方便 (第6回) He who helps others helps himself. 4. 山高高不过太阳 (第24回) The highest mountain can’t shut out the sun. 5. 登高必跌重 (第13回) The higher the climb, the harder the fall. 6. 树倒猢狲散 (第13回) When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. 大多数情况是,两种译本表达方式很接近,但又不完全相同。例如: 1. 牛不吃水强按头 (第46回) (杨、戴译本)You can’t force an ox to bend its head to drink. (霍克斯译本)You can take an ox to the water, but you can’t make him drink. 2. 苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋 (第61回) (杨、戴译本)Flies go for cracked eggs. (霍克斯译本)When flies gather on an egg, it's generally a sign that there’s a crack in it. 3. 当着矮人,别说短话 (第46回) (杨、戴译本)One doesn’t talk about midgets in front of dwarfs. (霍克斯译本)One doesn’t discuss short legs in front of a dwarf. 4. 远水解不了近渴 (第15回) (杨、戴译本)Distant water can’t quench a present thirst. (霍克斯译本)Distant water is no cure for a present thirst. 5. 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 (第25回) (杨、戴译本)Like the dog that bit LüDongbin—you bit the hand that feeds you. (霍克斯译本)You’re like the dog that bit Lü Dongbin: you don’t know a friend when you see one. 6. 没吃过猪肉,也看见过猪跑(第16回) (杨、戴译本)He is old enough to have seen a pig run, even if he hasn't yet tasted port himself. (霍克斯译本)He’s old enough to have seen a pig run, even if he’s not old enough to have eaten pork! 7. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 (第11回) (杨、戴译本)Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight. (霍克斯译本)The weather and human life are both unpredictable. 8. 眼里揉不下沙子 (第69回) (杨、戴译本)But I’m not going to put up with a mote in my eyes. (霍克斯译本)But if I’ve got a smut in my eye, I like to get it out. 即使是在直译,有必要时译者也会考虑归化,特别是霍克斯,他的读者意识是很强的。试举三例: 1. 无奈这些鬼判都不肯徇私,反叱咤秦钟道:“亏你还是读过书的人,岂不知俗语说的:‘阎王叫你三更死,谁敢留任到五更’。……”(第16回) But the infernal visitants had no ear for his entreaties and silenced him with angry rebuke: ‘You’re an educated young fellow: haven’t you heard the saying: If Yama calls at midnight hour, No man can put off death till four—? …’ 2. 袭人笑道:“可是你‘只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯’。我们偶然说一句略妨碍些的话,就说是不利之谈,你如今好好的咒他,是该的了。他便是比别人娇些,也不至这样起来。”(第77回) ‘Curfew for the common people, but the Perfect can light a fire,’said Aroma drily. ‘What a fuss you’d have made if I’d said anything so unlucky! How can you bear to talk so glibly about her dying?’ 3. 贾芸笑道:“……巧媳妇做不出没米的粥来,叫我怎么样呢?……”(第24回) Jia Yun smiled:‘...Even the cleverest housewife can’t make bread without flour! ...’ 第一例中的Yama是印度神话中掌管阴曹地府的阎王,第二例中curfew是中世纪欧洲晚间定时灭火熄灯就寝的规定,最后一例的“粥”(congee)也摇身变成“面包”。霍克斯归化翻译俗语,自有他的初衷和理由吧。好在这样的归化并不多,俗语的翻译还是以原汁原味的直译为主。 原载: 《海外英语》 2006年第12期 原载: 《海外英语》2006年第12期 (责任编辑:admin) |