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    (1)Fred sneezed the napkin off the table. 
    她认为,此构式中的动词本身并不允准直接后接宾语,构式所以成立是因为致使移动构式的存在赋予它三个论元。在进一步论述中,她认为sneeze之所以是不及物动词,是因为本句两个述义Sneeze(Fred,the-napkin)和Off(the-napkin,the-table)中,第一个述义没有任何意义。然而,我们认为这个解释非常牵强。众所周知,当人们因为感冒或受到冷空气、粉尘、花粉等刺激而打喷嚏时,通常会有一股强烈的气流从鼻腔和口腔喷出,因而打喷嚏的过程是一个力量传递的过程,这与及物本身所传达的意义是一致的。而基于生活常识,除了气体和鼻涕之类的东西外,一般不会有其他物质能够从鼻腔或口腔中喷出,因而出现类似例(2)中green mucus(绿色的鼻涕)这样的宾语就再自然不过了: 
    (2)You probably have not seen a baby sneeze green mucus because we sneeze for a variety of reasons,not just when we have colds.(COCA,2000) 
    (3)It would also be nice if I shat golden ingots and sneezed harlots.(COCA,2010) 
    (4)Navin sneezed blue pollen onto his shirt.(COCA,2010) 
    (5)This incidental fact disturbs Salim and he begins feeling like one of the pet psychologists on the morning magazine shows in Montral,the ones who made him sneeze cereal-milk through his nose.(COCA,2007) 
    (6)He whined,sniffed,and sneezed a wet circle around her,then attempted a series of licks repelled by the hand of my wife.(COCA,2006) 
    (7)And then our pirate forebears arrived,swilling brandy and sneezing mainland diseases all over them.(COCA,2006) 
    (8)She'd sing a stupid solo part—the Waterfall,they called it—not even something she’d invented or planned to do who knows how many years ago when she'd had to sneeze her brains out.(COCA,2002) 
    (9)Eighty bucks? For standin' around all day? You used to sneeze eighty bucks.(COCA,2002) 
    (10)The sudden motion made me heave and sneeze an ungodly water,a fuliginous gray stew thick with tubes like black licorice.(COCA,2000) 
    (11)But I never wanted Arizona for the air conditioning.The coolers set me off.I sneezed pure rocket fuel for five minutes then pushed away from the fence,to walk along the track.(COCA,1997) 
    (12)So it was that,at age 60,King Shabaka,short-winded and feeling cheated,lived alongside but not exactly with his Queen,who—if the truth be told—often asked Allah to sneeze her into the after-world where her faith and loving kindness would be better appreciated.(COCA,1996) 
    (13)He took a deep breath and the mingled dust went right up his nose and the next thing you know,he was sneezing sonnets.(COCA,1994) 
    (14)Richie,it’s easier to clap hands to shut off the television than it is to sneeze it off.(COCA,1993) 
    (15)The Abbe's exasperation was now greater even than the time he sneezed a crucible of gold dust over the flames of an open hearth.(COCA,1992) 
    (16)Lyman Mays prodded the fire with an iron poker until it sneezed a shower of sparks.(COCA,1990)  (责任编辑:admin)