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    2) The rest of the army was insufficient. 
    →The period of sleep of the army was insufficient. 
      The remainder of the army was insufficient. 
    ● 名词的单数形式和复数形式相同而造成的歧义:例如, 
    1) I saw the sheep graze in the field. 
    →I saw this sheep graze in the field. 
      I saw these sheep graze in the field. 
    2) They put the condemned to death. 
    →They put the condemned person to death. 
      They put the condemned persons to death. 
    ● 缩写词造成的歧义:例如, 
    1) He is a news reporter from ABC
    →He is a news reporter from Australian Broadcasting Company. 
      He is a news reporter from American Broadcasting Company. 
    缩写词ABC的涵义可以是澳大利亚广播公司,也可以是美国广播公司,从而造成歧义。  (责任编辑:admin)