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    题 目:不同言语风格中元音产出和感知研究(Production and perception of vowels in different speech styles)
    主讲人:王悦教授  加拿大温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学语言学系教授,语言与大脑实验室主任(Professor of Linguistics and Director of Language and Brain Lab at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Vancouver, Canada)。
    时 间:11月13日(周一)上午9 : 30
    地 点:语言所大会议室
    Speech communication involves multiple styles as a function of different speaking contexts or communicative needs. In noisy environments, or interacting with hearing-impaired or non-native perceivers, speakers oftener their speech productions using a clarified, hyper-articulated speech style. Such modifications may result in visible articulatory and acoustic changes, which are intended to enhance speech intelligibility. In this talk, I present a three-stream study examining clear-speech effects in the production and perception of English vowels, including
    (1) measurements of visible articulatory features using computer image processing techniques,
    (2) analyses of acoustic properties,
    (3) intelligibility testing of native and non-native perceivers.
    The results reveal that clear (relative to plain) speech modulates different and compensatory articulatory-acoustic cues to enhance intelligibility. However, clear-speech modifications that reduce phonemic contrastivity are also found to inhibit intelligibility. These results indicate that clear-speech effects are governed by the parallel principles of cue enhancement and maintenance of category distinctiveness.
    Wang Yue (王悦) is Professor of Linguistics and Director of Language and Brain Lab at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Vancouver, Canada.
    She graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) with a BA in English (1993) and an MA in Phonetics (1995). She received her PhD in Linguistics and Cognitive Science at Cornell University (2001), and conducted post-doctoral research in the Institute of Language and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington. Before starting her position at SFU in 2003, she was Professor of Linguistics and Director of Chinese Program at the University at Buffalo.
    Wang Yue’s main areas of research are phonetics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, and cognitive science. Using behavioral, neural, and computational techniques, she has been studying the processing and acquisition of second-language speech sounds with the goal of learning more about brain plasticity as well as how multisensory brain systems cooperate functionally in cognitive processing.
    Her work has been published in journals such as Applied PsycholinguisticsBilingualism: Language and Cognition, Brain and LanguageBrain Imaging and BehaviorJournal of Cognitive NeuroscienceJournal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaJournal of Phonetics, and Speech Communication. She is currently Associate Editor of the journal Language and Speech, and is on Editorial Board of Journal of Neurolinguistics, and Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. (责任编辑:admin)