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    首先,索绪尔认为,词语具有语义(signification),但更重要的是它们具有价值(value),价值不等同于语义,例如,法语中的“mouton”与英语中的“sheep”都表示“羊”的意思,但这两个词的价值不同,法语“mouton”还有“羊肉”的意思,而英语“sheep”没有“羊肉”的意思,“羊肉”用另外一个词 mutton 表达。索绪尔提出,语言只是一个纯粹价值构成的系统(language is only asystem of pure values. p.111);说得更具体一点,语言是由相互依存的成分构成的系统,其中各个成分的价值,完全从同时出现的其他成分那儿得出(language is a system of interdependent terms in which the value of each term results solely from the simultaneous presence ofthe others. p.114);要理解一个词语的价值,必须把它与其他类似的价值加以比较,同与它构成对立关系的其他词语加以比较。该词语的内容,实际上只能由词语之外共现的所有其他成分所确定(one must compares it with similar values, with words that stand in opposition to it.Its content is really fixed only by the concurrence of everything that exists outside it. p.115);价值由系统生成,当我们说它们相当于概念的时候,我们的理解是这些概念是纯粹起区别作用的概念,其本质特征并不取决于它们的正面内容,而是以反面的方式,由它们与系统中其他成分的关系所决定。用最精准的方法描述它们的特征,就是它们不是其他的成分(…values emanating from the system. When they are said to correspond to concepts, it is understood that the concepts are purely differential and defined not by their positive content but negatively by their relations with the other items of the system. Their most precise characteristic is in being what the others are not. p.117)。换句话说,要揭示语言成分的特征,最重要的不是说它是什么,而是说它不是什么。索绪尔还说,上面的这些话不但适用于词,而且适用于所有的语言成分,包括语法成分(everything said about words applies to any term of language, e.g. to grammatical entities. p.116)。  (责任编辑:admin)