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    编者按:近日,《中国抗日战争史简明读本》(英文版)一书由中央编译出版社正式出版发行。该书由中央编译局根据人民出版社出版的《中国抗日战争史简明读本》翻译而来,较为系统地介绍了中国抗日战争史的重要史实,展现了中国人民为赢得抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利付出的巨大牺牲和作出的重大贡献。8月18日,新华网发布了新华社关于《中国抗日战争史简明读本》(英文版)出版消息通稿。8月19日,《中国日报》(China Daily)第4版也刊发了该书出版发行消息。新华社消息通稿全文如下:
    China publishes English edition of history book on WWII resistance against Japan
    BEIJING, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- The English edition of a history book about China's resistance against Japan during World War II has hit the market.
    The book is a translation of "The Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression" published by the People's Publishing House in May, said the Central Compilation and Translation Press in a press release.
    It introduces important historical facts about China's resistance against Japanese invaders in the 1930s and 1940s. With an objective approach, detailed historical materials and rich statistics, the book presents a multi-dimensional account of the main developments of the war, the press release said.
    The book details how China's resistance was an important part of the global war against fascism, as well as the tremendous loss of and extraordinary contribution by Chinese people to achieve victory.
    Also included in the book are about 50 rare photographs from the war.
    This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the end of WWII.
        http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-08/18/c_134529530.htm (责任编辑:admin)